Munich Underwater Hockey Open Air 2017


22 juli 2017 gaat in münchen het jaarlijks openlucht onderwaterhockeytoernooi van de plaatselijke club door.

Wie wil er mee? Vul dan even de doodle in. Het zou leuk zijn om met een jonge gemotiveerde Orca ploeg klaar te staan.

Afhankelijk van het aantal deelnemers bekijken we de opties: met de auto, met de trein, met het vliegtuig,…

Meer informatie is te vinden op hun facebookpagina.

Hello to all hockeys in the world,

We have the pleasure to invite you to the Munich Underwater Hockey Open Air 2017!

Facts to know:

What: Munich Underwater Hockey Open Air 2017

When: Saturday July 22, 2017

Where: Waldbad Taufkirchen (Vils)
Flaring 11
84416 Taufkirchen (Vils)

It’s already the same Pool than last year and naturally as much fun as the last couple of years.

The outdoor pool is 50m long, half of which can be uses as playground. Depending on the number of teams there will be one or two playing areas.
If you can’t gather a team, individual players are also encouraged to register. Either there will be another team that will welcome you to play with them or there will be a pick up team.

More information about accommodation, registration and registration fee will come very close.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us!

Email: (Christoph)

See you in July!
Best regards
Christoph, Jakob and Ralph

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