Halloween 4×4 Tournament Final Results


We would like to thank all the teams for coming to our 4×4 tournament.

Seeing people all over europe (France, Netherlands, Hungary) really made it a succesfull international tournament for us.

Our Hungarian friends were the deserved winner of the tournament, beating Orca 1 in the finals with 4-1.
Each team had plenty of games and i think the 4 against 4 concept really was a fun factor for many teams.

We hope to see all of you very soon! We will organise another tournament in the beginning of 2015 so keep your eye out!

The final results:

Rank Team Points Scored goals Received goals
1 Budapest bandits 33 81 4
2 Orca 1 31 74 5
3 OSCD Dordrecht 28 60 26
4 Astacus 26 49 24
5 Les Vulcains 25 39 28
6 BUWH 24 47 25
7 Lille 22 35 22
8 GOV 19 29 41
9 Orca 2 17 13 79
10 Orca 3 14 10 62
11 Thetis 13 7 71
12 EPO 12 6 63



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